How to Lash Out Bottom Layer Easier And Faster?
TIP: before you start taping, touch the glue side of the tape to your skin. This way will make the removal of the tape much easier and less Sticky from the skin and you avoid pulling natural lashes out!
TIP2: Make sure you have Snow White background. You will find and reach out to the most difficult lashes easier. I use Flexi Tape because there is no other like that one.
TIP3: Why to tape only the tips of lashes not half of their length? Because you don’t want to risk the eyelid to be even slightly open! This way you avoid burning the eyes with adhesive fumes.
TIP4: To gain better control over correct taping, tape only one area at the time. I divide eyes into
In this photo, only section two is taped. This way you also gain control how you proceed with the eye style and avoid small mistakes that count the most in the end of your work.
If you find the tips helpful and want me to continue sharing my techniques, comment below💜
Repost @ilashartis ❤️ Thank you for providing this amazing work.